START A CONVERSATIONLets Start a conversation create awareness and be a part of change.You never know when a situation might come up for a conversation with people about respect.It could be a proactive, preventative conversation, or it could be that you're see an incident that needs addressing.It's not always going to be easy, but it's a conversation worth having.Everytime we speak out against disrespectful behavior, we're one step closer to stopping the cycle of violence against women and families.#respectwomen
Lets Start a conversation create awareness and be a part of change.You never know when a situation might come up for a conversation with people about respect.It could be a proactive, preventative conversation, or it could be that you're see an incident that needs addressing.It's not always going to be easy, but it's a conversation worth having.Everytime we speak out against disrespectful behavior, we're one step closer to stopping the cycle of violence against women and families.#respectwomen